One Resource for all your Testing Needs
On-line Applications Available for Your Applicants ~ Schedule Your Testing Dates Now ~ Our Recruiting and Advertising Assistance Programs will Help Guide you through all Your Hiring Needs… Hiring Officials Call Today to Recieve an Information Packet Describing all of Our Programs that Will Eliminate Your Heavy Workload and Provide You and Your Community with the Finest Applicants 847-310-2677 or Request an Information Packet on Our CONTACT Page
Renown for their expertise on Federal and State statutes regarding law enforcement hiring and promotional guidelines, our consultants are readily available to assist you with planning and implementing your evaluation programs. Our vast selection of pre-employment and promotional testing options enables us to serve as a single resource for all of your hiring and promotional requirements
- Written Entrance Examination
- Physical ability test
- Multiple candidate oral interview
- Written promotion evaluations
- Promotional assessment center
- In-Depth psychological assessment
- Polygraph Evaluation
- Employment application
- Rules and regulations review
- Consultation and new board orientation
Our rapid returns of detailed reports and summaries will enable you to proceed through each phase of the evaluation process without delays.
C.O.P.S. Testing Service, Inc. understands your needs when hiring and promoting Law Enforcement and Fire Service employees. We have been actively associated with the employment and testing procedures of public safety applicants for many years. Our experts will guide you through the web of changing rules and regulations that control and restrict hiring and promotional procedures.
At C.O.P.S. we are sensitive to the financial cuts and limited budgets that confront departments. We can advise you of methods that will streamline your procedures and help reduce your expenditures.
Why select C.O.P.S. TESTING SERVICES INC. over other personel testing services?
Proficient: Competency and professionalism as evidenced by our growing list of clientele.
Reliable: Dependable service, results with confidentiality.
Integrity: Guaranteed independent and objective evaluations.
Dedication: Committed to developing and improving personnel evaluation options.
Experience: Owned by one of Illinois’ leading authorities on law enforcement personnel promotion and selection.